“Little tweaks to support and maintain your strength, health and mindset”

My mission is to provide you with the little tweaks to support & maintain your strength, health and mindset.

I will take the time to understand your goals and create a programme that’s just right for you. I will design fun and effective workouts that will keep you motivated and change your life. You can choose online or face to face sessions.

  • Online Training Programmes

    Bespoke training programmes for a range of skill level and commitment.

  • Online training

    45mins-1hr sessions with a full warm-up, workout, cool down all tailored to your goals and abilities with technique tips and corrections throughout.

  • 1-2-1 Sessions

    Training packages are tailored to fit your individual goals and include nutritional advice

  • Nutrition

    Good nutrition creates better health, more energy and keeps you physically and mentally well!

Where will you train?

You will train with Chris in a private studio in Finchley, North London.

You can also train with Chris outdoors, in your garden, and online. Chris will create a tailored made training plan to meet your individual needs.

Why train with Xtreme Health?

Rugby player turned Personal Trainer, Chris has a degree in Sports Science and is a qualified fitness trainer.

Chris is a strength and conditioning coach and has helped a number of clients with issues such as frozen shoulders and those with osteoporosis in the hips.

He is also experienced in helping clients who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and can make a plan towards better nutrition and work-outs that can help manage this diagnosis.

Nutrition isn’t about reducing what you eat, but choosing what to eat and when to eat it. it’s time to create healthy habits, not restrictions. Good nutrition creates better health, more energy and keeps you physically and mentally well!

Follow the link below to see some great quick nutrition tips.



For just ÂŁ50 per month

  • 1-month training programme

  • Elite level coaching

  • 2 training programmes a week

  • Nutrition coaching and support

  • Xtreme health members portal

  • Goal setting/life coaching

Get in touch for a free consultation.




Gain access to exclusive training content, only available for members


  • "Chris is a superb personal trainer. He has more faith in my ability and strength than I had. And over the past year we have worked on gradually and safely building up this strength in specific areas. He has made a huge difference. I highly recommend chris to anyone thinking about working with a PT. He knows how to gently push you where you need pushing and also makes the hard work fun"

  • "I've been training with Chris since March 2021. He is a skilled and encouraging personal trainer. I feel that he balances motivating and pushing my skill level while recogizing when i need to take a break. I've seen my abilities and overall health improve since beginning training, as I build my boxing skill and overall exercise abilities. I highly recommend his expertise to get a great workout and build a healthy lifestyle."

  • "Chris supports me to get the most from our sessions together with advice on my diet and independent workouts posted on my PT hub. Training with Chris has had an immeasurable benefit on all aspects of my life"

  • "Chris has the been the architect behind my fitness and strength journey. He has completely changed my physical and mental approach to training, in just a year of working with him | have lost 77 pounds. Chris's workouts are tailored to your goals and needs, however he also encouraged me to aim for new goals and saw the power and strength he knew I could develop following the workouts he planned for me."